Monday, March 19, 2012

Using Voicethread for Educational Projects

Our group decided to create a project for high school freshman. In order to help them learn algebra, the students will choose an algebraic equation to factor from the textbook and self-explain how to solve the problem on a voicethread. The students should doodle on a "chalkboard" (that can be found on google) and explain the process of solving the equation using a video of themselves talking as well. Concepts: This will be for a freshman year class to help them learn how to factor a quadratic equation and explain the whole process to other students. Standards: In our lesson, the students will accomplish the ask of understanding an algebraic equation in the book by working it out online. This also helps the students get better aquainted with technology. Use of Voicethread: Each student will have a Voicethread account and create a presentation by uploading a picture of a chalkboard, "doodling" the equation on the chalkboard, and then solving the equation. While the student is explaining the solving of the equation, they will have their webcam on so that the person viewing the video will see a video of the person explaining the equation and the solving of the equation at the same time.

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