Monday, February 13, 2012

Uses of Blogs in Education

The two blogs I looked at for good uses of Education are and Both of these blogs were used for educational purposes, but both are for different reasons. The Diary Project is for new students going to school who would like to talk about their nerves or worries about going to school. Also, it allows students to write their feelings about anything else on their mind because no one knows who the author is and it's a "diary", so students feel able to talk about their problems just as long as no one knows their identity. The second blog is called EduBlog Insights by a woman named Anne Davis. She communicates with other educators in the areas of education, so teachers can get useful ideas and help from the author.

The first blog is directed at younger students below 12th grade who want to publish personal things. There are barely any comments, so I think this is just a write and reflect blog. The blog connects with the audience because anyone can really join and write "diary entries" if they want to. The second blog is directed towards older adults who teach. Teachers are able to respond to blogs and even ask questions. This blog is more about reading and understanding to be well informed. This blog connects with the audience as well because it talks about issues related to education, and educations in turn discuss and give feedback.

When I am a teacher, I will use blogs help me stay up-to-date about current education issues and read stories from other teachers, possibly gaining information about teaching strategies as well. For the students though, I would use blogs for out-of-class discussions so the students can better reflect on stories the class reads or even just maintain journal entries that I can view and look at for grades (this works especially well for me because I want to become an English teacher).


  1. I really liked the Diary Project blog you chose! I think it is very cool idea, and I believe that it will be very helpful to a lot of kids. It is nice to have a place where you can get all your feelings out so you don't have to carry them around all the time. I also think your other blog choice is interesting as well. Good choices!

  2. I think that those were both good choices for blogs about education. I think that the number one thing that most students struggle with is fitting in so the first website allows them to ease their mind. The second blog allows teachers to effectively commnunicate among peers which will only help to increase the performance of those teachers.

  3. This gave me a different perpective! I looked mainly at blogs for the teacher, and didnt focus on blogs for students. I love the idea of it being like an open diary for students to share how they feel.
